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Part Design → Create body |
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PartDesign |
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0.17 |
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PartDesign Body conține o serie de schițe, date și PartDesign features care formează un solid unic contiguu. Acesta oferă o Origine (cu planuri și axe standard) care pot fi utilizate de către funcții ca referințe. În plus, poate fi mișcat liber ca un întreg fără a face necesară mutarea funcțiilor individuale.
The Body provides an Origin object which includes local X, Y, and Z axes, and standard planes. These elements can be used as references to attach sketches and primitive objects.
Do not confuse the PartDesign Body with the
Std Part. The first one is a specific object used in the
PartDesign Workbench, intended to model a single contiguous solid by means of PartDesign Features. The Std Part is a grouping object intended to create assemblies; it is not used for modelling, just to arrange different objects in space. Multiple bodies, and other Std Parts, can be placed inside a single Std Part to create a complex assembly.
Left: the tree view showing the features that sequentially produce the final shape of the object. Right: the final object visible in the 3D view.
If no previous solid is selected:
If a solid object is selected:
A PartDesign Body (PartDesign::Body
class) is derived from a Part Feature (Part::Feature
class), therefore it shares all the latter's properties.
In addition to the properties described in Part Feature, the PartDesign Body has the following properties in the property editor.
): the PartDesign Feature defined as "Tip", which is usually the last feature created in the Body. The Tip indicates the final shape of the Body, which is shown in the 3D view when VizualizareDisplay Mode Body is set to Tip
. See Tip for more information.Link
): an external shape used as the first PartDesign Feature in the Body. It is usually set when dragging a solid object into an empty Body. If no solid is imported in this way, this property will be empty. See Base Feature for more information.Placement
): the position of the object in the 3D view. The placement is defined by a Base
point (vector), and a Rotation
(axis and angle). See Placement.LinkList
): a list with the PartDesign Features in the Body.Link
): the App Origin object that is the positional reference for all elements listed in DateGroup.Bool
): whether the group is touched or not.Also the hidden properties described in Part Feature.
): sets the display mode specifically for the Body with one of two types.
(default) exposes all objects inside the Body, that is, sketches, PartDesign Features, datum objects, etc. This mode allows visualizing partial operations done inside the Body, and thus it is the recommended mode when adding and editing features. Select the specific feature, and the set VizualizareVisibility to true
or press the Space bar on the keyboard.Tip
exposes only the final shape of the Body, which is defined by the DateTip property. Everything else, including sketches, partial features, datums, etc., is not displayed, even if they are visible in the tree view. This mode is recommended when the Body does not need to be modified further, so a fixed shape is shown. This mode is also recommended when you wish to select the sub-elements (vertices, edges, and faces) of the final shape to use with other workbenches' tools.A PartDesign Body is intended to model a single contiguous solid. The meaning of "contiguous" is an element made in one piece, with no moving parts, or disconnected solids. Examples of contiguous solids are those that are manufactured from a single piece of raw material by a process of casting, cutting, or milling. For example, a nut, a washer, and a bolt each consists of a single solid piece of steel with no moving parts, so each can be modelled by a PartDesign Body. Objects that are created by welding two pieces can also be modelled by a single Body as long as the weld joint is not intended to break apart.
Once these contiguous solids are put together in some type of arrangement, then they become an "assembly". In an assembly, the objects are not fused together, but they are simply "stacked" or placed next to each other, and remain individual parts.
Left: three individual contiguous solids, each of them modelled by a PartDesign Body. Right: the individual Bodies put together in an assembly.
A PartDesign Body is intended to work by creating an initial solid, either from a sketch or from a primitive shape, and then modifying it through "features" to add or remove material from the previous shape. For a full explanation go to feature editing.
A PartDesign Body will perform an automatic fusion (union) of the solid elements inside of it. This means that (1) partial solids should be touching when created, and (2) disconnected solids are not allowed.
Left: two individual solids that intersect each other. Right: a single PartDesign Body with two additive features; they are automatically fused together, so instead of intersecting, they form a single contiguous solid.
Left: two disconnected solids; this isn't a valid PartDesign Body. Right: two touching solids; this results in a valid PartDesign Body. The newer feature should always contact or intersect the previous feature so that it is fused to it, and becomes a single contiguous solid.
Note: other CAD programs like Catia allow discontiguous solids in the same "Body". As of v0.19, FreeCAD does not allow this. There has been discussions in the FreeCAD forum about lifting this restriction but no concrete decision has been made. If you'd like to know more or present different points of view, please discuss in the forum.
Un document FreeCAD poate conține mai multe entități. Prin urmare, pentru a adăuga o funcție nouă unui anumit Corp, trebuie făcută activ. Un corp activ va fi afișat în arborescență cu o culoare de fundal albastru deschis. În v0.18, este numit ca fiind arborescența Model și va fi afișat și cu caractere aldine.
An open document can contain multiple Bodies. To add a new feature to a specific Body, it needs to be made active. An active body will be displayed in the tree view with the background color specified by the Active container value in the preferences editor (by default, light blue). An active body will also be shown in bold text.
To activate or de-activate a Body:
Activarea unui Corp, de asemenea, comută automat interfața la Atelierul de lucru PartDesign, dacă nu era deja Atelierul de lucru activ.
Document with two PartDesign Bodies, of which the second one is active.
Originea este formată din cele trei axe standard (X, Y, Z) și trei planuri standard (XY, XZ și YZ). Sketches can be attached to these planes, and planes along with axes can be used to create other datum (reference) geometry. Toate elementele din interiorul Corpului se referă la Originea Corpului; ceea ce înseamnă că corpul poate fi mișcat și rotit în raport cu sistemul global de coordonate fără a afecta amplasarea elementelor în interiorul corpului.
The Origin consists of the three standard axes (X, Y, Z) and three standard planes (XY, XZ and YZ). Sketches and other objects can be attached to these elements when creating them.
The same process can be used when creating auxiliary datum geometry like PartDesign Lines, PartDesign Planes, and PartDesign CoordinateSystems.
Note: the Origin is an App Origin object (App::Origin
class), while the axes and planes are objects of type App::Line
and App::Plane
respectively. Each of these elements can be hidden and unhidden individually with the Space bar; this is useful to choose the correct reference when creating other objects.
Note 2: all elements inside the Body are referenced to the Body's Origin which means that the Body can be moved and rotated in reference to the global coordinate system without affecting the placement of the elements inside.
Left: PartDesign Body Origin in the tree view. Right: representation of the Origin elements in the 3D view.
Funcția de bază este prima funcție a PartDesign creată în Corp. Dar este posibil să se utilizeze o formă solidă, fie importată, fie modelată în alte Ateliere de lucru, ca element de bază la care se pot adăuga schițe și alte funcții(onalități).
The Base Feature is the first PartDesign Feature in the Body when the Body is based on another solid shape. This solid can be created by any workbench, or imported from an external file, for example, a STEP file.
Two PartDesign Bodies, each with a single Base Feature taken from a previously created solid.
To create the Base Feature:
Note: you can't select an existing Body, or any of its features, when pressing Body.
If you already have a Body, you can create the Base Feature in this way:
Note: dragging and dropping only works for Bodies which don't have a Base Feature already.
Note 2: if the Body already has several features, when you drag and drop the external solid, the Base Feature will be created at the beginning of the list of features, that is, it will be added to the beginning of the DateGroup property.
The Base Feature is entirely optional; it is only present when including an object from outside the Body. If no external solid is included, you can still build your shape using sketches, pads, primitive objects, and other PartDesign Features. In this case the DateBase Feature property remains empty.
Left: PartDesign Body with a Base Feature that is taken from an external solid object, and many subsequent PartDesign Features on top. Right: Body which doesn't have an explicit Base Feature.
Note: If another PartDesign body is selected as a BaseFeature it must have a shape. If it is empty (no features, no BaseFeature, ...) this will result in error.
Funcția rezultată este cea care este expusă în afara modelului(ceea ce se vede). Aceasta este automat ultima funcție din partea de jos a arborescenței. Dar, uneori, ar putea fi util să o înlocuiți cu o funcție anterioară în arborescența Corpului, cu efectul de a reveni în istoria sa; este posibil să adăugați funcții care ar fi trebuit adăugate anterior. În arborescența corpului Corpului, funcția rezultată poartă un punct verde cu o săgeată albă pe interior.
The Tip is the PartDesign Feature that is exposed outside the Body; that is, if another tool from any workbench (for example, Part SimpleCopy or
Part Cut) needs to use the shape of the Body, it will use the shape of the Tip. Said in another way, the Tip is the final representation of the Body as if the parametric history didn't exist.
Left: PartDesign Body with full parametric history including intermediate features. Right: the Tip is the final shape that can be exported from the Body, while omitting the model's history.
The Tip is automatically set to the last feature created in the Body. Nevertheless, it can also be set to any of the intermediate features by opening the tree view context menu (right-click) and choosing Set tip, or by changing the Body's DateTip value in the property editor.
Changing the Tip in effect rolls back its history, making it possible to add features that should have been added earlier. It also exposes a different shape to external tools.
For more details, see the Move Tip page.
Two PartDesign Bodies, each of them with PartDesign Features. The Tip is the last feature in them, and is marked with an overlay symbol.
În mod implicit, obiectele aflate sub un corp pot fi selectate și, desigur, este necesar să editați și să adăugați caracteristici în PartDesign. Dar selectarea caracteristicilor unui Organism pentru a crea operațiuni de la alte Aeliere de lucru (cum ar fi Part or Draft) nu este recomandată, deoarece rezultatele pot fi neașteptate; în toate cazurile, va apărea o eroare cu mențiunea "Linkurile ies din domeniul de aplicare permis" în vizualizarea Raport.
By default, PartDesign Features inside a Body are selectable, as this is required to edit and add more features with the PartDesign Workbench tools. Nevertheless, selecting the individual features to use them with tools from other workbenches, like Part and Draft, is not advised, as the results may be unexpected; if this is done, in the report view an error message may appear, Links go out of the allowed scope.
Prin urmare, pentru interacțiunile cu alte bannere de lucru, numai corpul însuși ar trebui selectat din arborele Model. În cazurile în care este necesar să se selecteze topologia specifică pe corp (vârf, muchie, față), atunci proprietatea de vizualizare Display Mode Body poate fi comutată de la Through (implicit) la Tip. Această proprietate este accesibilă din panoul Vizualizare. În modul "Tip", accesul la obiectele din corp (funcții, date, schițe) este dezactivat; totul, dar caracteristica vârf va fi ascuns în vizualizarea 3D, indiferent de obiectul care este setat ca vizibil.
Odată ce operațiile din alte Ateliere de lucru au fost finalizate, nu uitați să resetați proprietatea Display Mode Body la Through pentru a putea edita corpul.
Left: when "Display Mode Body" is set to Through
it is possible to select and perform operations with the individual PartDesign Features; in general, this is not recommended. Right: when "Display Mode Body" is set to Tip
all selections and operations done on the Body will be done on the Tip, making sure only the final shape of the Body is exposed.
Vizibilitatea Corpului înlătură vizibilitatea oricărui obiect pe care îl conține. Dacă corpul este ascuns, obiectele pe care le conține vor fi ascunse, chiar dacă vizibilitatea lor este setată la adevărat. Doar o funcție poate fi vizibilă la un moment dat. Selectarea unei funcții ascunse și apăsarea butonului space va face vizibilă și va ascunde automat funcția vizibilă anterior.
The Body's visibility supersedes the visibility of any object it contains. If the Body is hidden, the objects it contains will be hidden as well, even if their individual VizualizareVisibility property is set to true
Multiple Sketches may be visible at one time, but only one PartDesign Feature (solid result) can be visible at a time. Selecting a hidden feature and pressing the Space bar in the keyboard will make it visible, and automatically hide the previously visible feature.
PartDesign Body: multiple Sketches may be visible simultaneously, but only one solid PartDesign Feature may be visible at one time, whether it is the Tip or not.
PartDesign Features, just like planar objects, can be attached to different planes, usually the standard planes defined by the Body's Origin, or to custom PartDesign Planes.
Sketches are normally attached to a plane when they are created. In similar way, primitive features can also be attached. Attaching these objects to a plane allows them to be moved within the Body by changing their DateAttachment Offset property. For more information on the attachment modes see Part EditAttachment.
A PartDesign Feature that is not attached will be shown with a red overlay symbol next to their icon in the tree view.
PartDesign Body: PartDesign Features that are not attached to a plane or coordinate system will be shown with an overlay symbol next to their icon in the tree view.
A PartDesign Body is formally an instance of the class PartDesign::Body
, whose parent is Part Feature (Part::Feature
class) through the intermediate Part::BodyBase
class, and is augmented with an Origin extension.
Simplified diagram of the relationships between the core objects in the program. The PartDesign::Body
object is intended to build parametric 3D solids, and thus is derived from the basic Part::Feature
object, and has an Origin to control the placement of the features used inside of it.
See also: FreeCAD Scripting Basics, and scripted objects.
See Part Feature for the general information on adding objects to the document
A PartDesign Body is created with the addObject()
method of the document. Once a Body exists, PartDesign Features can be added to it with the addObject()
or addObjects()
methods of this Body.
import FreeCAD as App
doc = App.newDocument()
obj = App.ActiveDocument.addObject("PartDesign::Body", "Body")
obj.Label = "Custom label"
feat1 = App.ActiveDocument.addObject("PartDesign::AdditiveBox", "Box")
feat2 = App.ActiveDocument.addObject("PartDesign::AdditiveCylinder", "Cylinder")
obj.addObjects([feat1, feat2])
In a document that has many Bodies, the active Body can be set using the setActiveObject
method of the ActiveView
. The first argument is the fixed string "pdbody"
, and the second argument is the Body object that should be made active.
import FreeCAD as App
import FreeCADGui as Gui
doc = App.newDocument()
obj1 = App.ActiveDocument.addObject("PartDesign::Body", "Body")
obj2 = App.ActiveDocument.addObject("PartDesign::Body", "Body")
Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.setActiveObject("pdbody", obj1)